Julian Nyaga is a doctoral researcher at the department of Agroecology at Aarhus University, Denmark. She holds a bachelor’s degree in agriculture from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology and a master’s degree in biotechnology from Kenyatta University (both in Kenya). Her interests lie in soil fertility and plant nutrition in low-nitrogen farming systems. Her background combines practical and scientific know-how on soil nitrogen fertility rooted from her master’s thesis focusing on the legume-rhizobia interactions to improve nitrogen fertility. After her studies, Julian worked as a research and development specialist for a company that manufactures regenerative agriculture products.
As part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions “LegumeLegacy” Doctoral Network, her project aims to establish the nitrogen fixation rates in different grass-legume-herb mixtures and the impact of species diversity on nitrogen fluxes from the grassland stage to the follow-on crop, including a modelling approach. The results will increase insights on the development of low-nitrogen farming systems for sustainable farming practices.
Project Title
Benefits of the species composition in grassland leys for the nitrogen cycle across the crop rotations.
Professor Jørgen Eriksen (Primary Supervisor)
Dr. Carsten Stefan Malisch
Dr. Marie-Noëlle Thivierge