Matej Orešković is a doctoral researcher in the Department of Grassland and Natural Landscape Sciences of Prof. dr hab. Piotr Goliński.
Matej graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture in Zagreb, with a master’s degree in Phytomedicine. Further on during his studies, he embarked on three international exchanges as part of the Erasmus+ program: study stay at Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal, and two internships one at Plant Protection Institute, Centre for Agricultural Research, ELKH_Budapest, and a second at Wageningen University and Research, Business Unit Greenhouse Horticulture, Netherlands.
During his short career in the private sector, he was a production manager on a 40ha cherry orchard, where he stayed for one harvesting season.
In 2023 Matej applied for the LegumeLegacy project, his current project is focusing on grassland ley duration of multi-species swards that have been fertilized with different amounts of N, and observe benefits in follow-on cereal crops via legacy effects. The aim is to develop optimal agronomical outputs in the context of improving the sustainability of crop rotation systems.
Project Title
Impact of varying nitrogen fertiliser input and grassland ley duration of multi-species swards on crop rotations benefits via legacy effects on the follow-on cereal crop in two contrasting environments.
Prof. Piotr Goliński (Primary Supervisor)
Prof. Barbara Golińska
Prof. Caroline Brophy