Transfer of Knowledge
LegumeLegacy's research focuses on designing multi-species grassland mixtures to optimize yield stability, forage quality, and nutrient use efficiency while exploring their potential legacy benefits in crop rotations. Additionally, we investigate whether the ‘best’ mixture varies based on local environmental conditions. With experiments conducted across Europe and Canada, we aim to provide practical, data-driven insights for on-farm use as results emerge.
Partnering with agri-food companies, we ensure that our findings align with industry needs. Our Doctoral Researchers also gain hands-on experience through industry secondments, enhancing the real-world relevance of our work.
In addition, LegumeLegacy investigates sustainable, lower-nitrogen crop rotation systems to inform national and EU-level policies.
Further results and resources will be made available as the research progresses. We will continue to update this page with insights relevant to farmers, industry stakeholders, and policymakers.